Today like yesterday “The Inspector General” by Nikolaj V. Gogol at  “Turi Ferro” Theater in Carlentini

Today like yesterday “The Inspector General” by Nikolaj V. Gogol at “Turi Ferro” Theater in Carlentini

CARLENTINI –  On December 8, 2021, the curtain reopens at the “Turi Ferro” theater in Carlentini. The “Premiere” opens with “The Inspector General” by Nikolaj V. Gogol and directed by Guglielmo Ferro. A mayor, the protagonist, masterfully played by Enrico Guarnieri, represents the easily corruptible political figure, inserted in a society where all the other characters that surround him, easily blend with his lifestyle of easy business, where the importance that emerges it is given to the money obtained through any means, putting aside moral value and professional integrity. Through satire, the voice of the actors, pure dramatization, sets and costumes, the social denunciation is staged and in its contents, erases any distance of time and space, as yesterday as today, all human problems such as corruption, injustice and falsehood remain current, as if they had come from the past, through the generations, as a kind of uncomfortable legacy. The whole plot plays on “misunderstanding” . The latter becomes the real engine of  the plots that evolve all the intrigues that are revealed through the scenic energy of Enrico Guarnieri, who with his vehemence, his passion for the theater, his tireless expressiveness, makes unique and original, showing the ability to make realistic, the fictitious scene extrapolated from a cross-section of reality as old as man and as modern as the place of money at all costs. Nikolaj Gogol gives us the opportunity to reflect on the presumption of believing themselves intelligent in cheating others, but fragile and weak in the face of the possibility of being exposed, ignoble and mean in the face of the possibility of bribing the incorruptible.  The actor man and the spectator man reflect on the weakness of the human soul when Enrico Guarnieri, with his moments of engaging improvisation, launches a social message and gives us a healthy laugh.

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