Acireale, War Peace”45th National Garitta Award 2023

Acireale, War Peace”45th National Garitta Award 2023

ACIREALE – On 19th August 2023, in the collected and crowded square of Santa Tecla (Acireale) in the province of Catania, the 45th “Garritta National Award 2023” took place.

Excellently cared for, the Artistic Direction by Antonello Musmeci, journalist and voice actor, and the Technical Direction and Direction by Giovanni Vasta.

The public participated with enthusiasm in the engaging management of Antonello Musmeci who, with his professionalism and his sympathy, was able to give the right accent to every moment of the evening.

The Garritta National Prize is an event that was born in the mid-70s as a pictorial prize, in the exclusive seaside village of Santa Tecla di Acireale, with the name of “Garitta d’Argento”, today it is one of the central appointments in the calendar of summer events of the Sicilian region. At the direction of the association “La Garritta” we find Don Alfredo D’ Anna.

At the end of the 1990s, the prize became a real ensemble show, changing the name from «Silver sentry box» to «National sentry box prize».

In the last twenty years the Award has become the most authoritative event on the island and one of the best in Italy, receiving certificates of merit from government institutions and international bodies. Prominent personalities from journalism, culture, scientific research, cinema, television and

civil society.

In recent editions, several well-known personalities have received the award, such as: Maurizio Costanzo, Andrea Purgatori, Aldo Forbice, Adriana Pannitteri, Sigfrido Ranucci, Beppino Englaro, Pippo Baudo.

After the extraordinary success of last year, in the presence of the Ukrainian Consul General Maksym Kovalenk, this year the theme was “War and Peace” with prize-winners of excellence including H.E. The Cardinal Matteo Zuppi, “President of the CEI”, who will connect from Vatican City.

On the occasion of this special and rich edition, the international designer Paolo Benevelli designed the logo. A simple and refined iconography, which adequately describes the theme


Illustrious names among the winners and the guests who trod the stage, including: Stefania Battistini Rai 1 journalist, Michele Cucuzza Director of Antenna Sicilia, Salvatore Di Salvo journalist and Regional Treasurer of the Odg Sicily, Donatella Finocchiaro Actress and many others.

Pleasant evening which, as can be seen from the title, focused attention on the topic of war in Ukraine and other wars which, unfortunately, are still current. Themes such as courage,

altruism, acceptance, strength and love towards the human being.

Moving to applaud men and women who risked their lives in the name of peace and an immeasurable love for their fellow men. They are characters who are admired and appreciated, because they have a strong sense of moral justice and professional ethics.

Pleasant musical moments alternated between one award and another. Singers with interesting voices performed on the stage of the “National Garitta Award 2023”.

Particularly suggestive moment that of Stefania Bruno with her International “Sand Art”. With extraordinary magic, through images of sand, he has been able to tell the pain caused by the noise of the bombings that destroy children’s dreams and bury the love of men.

Special thanks should always be given to men and women who love art, communication and the sharing of important experiences that enrich the heart.





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