Candlelight Night Concert “Ennio Morricone and other soundtracks” In Catania

Candlelight Night Concert “Ennio Morricone and other soundtracks” In Catania

CATANIA – On September 22nd, 2023, one of the most evocative musical events in the city took place at the “Idria Events Center” in Catania. This is the “Candlelight Night Concert Ennio Morricone and other soundtracks”, curated by “Fever Labs”. “Candlelight Concerts” take place all over the world, now also in Italy and Sicily.

The “Blend Quartet” masterfully performed the musical pieces. The artists that compose it are Marco Giuffrida, Antonio Ambra, Alexandra Butnaru and Mario Ricciardello.

The set list included some of the following songs: “ Nuovo Cinema Paradiso, Life is beautiful, The Untouchables,

Once upon a time there was the west, La Dolce Vita, The Godfather, The Great Beauty”.

Inserted in a warmly welcoming and particularly evocative context of an ancient 18th century church recently renovated, the spectator took a very profound musical journey, accompanied by the right atmosphere that only romantic candles can give with the warm light they emit.

It is an experience that must be lived with the soul, with the right breath, with the predisposition to be part of a sensorial experience which, almost inevitably, takes us into a dreamlike dimension.

Just as the First Violin Marco Giuffrida suggests “…with our eyes closed” we will enter the magical world of musical notes, the vibrations of the strings of the bows, and the charm of the cinematographic world of “Cinema Paradiso”, of “Life is Beautiful”, “The Dolce Vita”, of the “Great Beauty” and many other masterpieces.

The great sensation you experience is that of feeling immersed in a high, almost ethereal dimension… a dimension that transports the spectator into a cinematic and musical history that has marked several generations.

Becoming part of a “Candlelight” experience means entering the magical world of artistic sensations, directly involving the emotional sensitivity of the viewer.

Thanks to those who had the ability to create a cultural event of such great importance.

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